photo by Leila Afghan
Al Ly (@babygyalally), Model, Artist and ‘Instagram icon’ spoke to us about her work, her ever growing online support and the body positive message she lives by, and encourages others to do the same.
We see you graduated in June, What are you currently working on?
Im currently working with my girl Nikolina on our brand Dirty South, working towards dropping our new collection and big things in the new year. I'm also modelling which I love, as I'm representing a different type of model and challenging the norm. A couple big campaigns coming out soon!
How did you begin your modelling career? Was it something you were doing in Australia or did it begin in London?
I started in London at uni. Friends asked me to model for their projects, and it just really grew from there… and now am lucky enough to be properly working and doing it.
Who have you modelled for?
Ahhh a lot of different brands, artists, etc. My favourite will always be for Art School though, run by my very dear friends Eden Lowreth & Tom Barrat. Having an entire look made especially for each individual model. It was the most touching and amazing process to have been a part of.
Are you proud of your ‘role model’ status among the growing body positivity awareness?
I honestly never even thought of myself like that but it blesses my heart when someone says something like this to me online or in real life! Growing up there was only 1 type of beauty standard that everyone had to conform to, which is unrealistic & unhealthy (European beauty standards) I'd like to think I'm helping with changing this and helping other young women see the beauty in themselves and love their self.
Who were your role models growing up-if any?
My dad has always been my role model, I've never seen someone work so hard. He came from nothing, a dirt poor family, but now is able to provide for his family and has blessed me with a life I could not be happier with. He has also shown me that hard work pays off, setting your mind to something can make you achieve your goals and to do what you love otherwise you're not living right.
Why do you think representing plus size is so important?
I think it's important to represent all types of bodies. But with plus, that is probably the average person but in "model terms" anyone over a size 0 is considered plus a lot of the time- which does not make sense! Sample sizes are always tiny. It's important to be representing people of all size, shape and race, it represents people as a whole and relates to real life and real people, creating a more inclusive and real image for the fashion industry.
You’ve built up quite a following on social media, how has the feedback been? Have you encountered many haters along the way?
I've got mainly love from all friends and supporters but of course with my outlandish and crazy personality / image I have gained some not so supportive followers body shaming and slut shaming me because I have decided to be so free with how I represent my body and myself.
What message would you send out to women out there feeling negative or held back by their bodies because they aren’t the ‘catwalk type body’?
I feel like if you aren't happy with your body that's where you need to start, your happiness - your mind. Being happy with yourself, your whole self - mind, body & soul is the most important thing. I think also making change in your life to help with that is important too, making conscious decisions to have a healthy mind and body. Deciding to create a healthier lifestyle or enhancing your body in some way whether it's the gym or plastic surgery I think are important things to do as well to boost your self esteem and feel good inside and out.
T: @amy_ridler
I: @amyridler
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